
Monday, September 05, 2005

You know how when you know you can't use a bathroom, suddenly you really have to go?

I'm in my house in New Canaan! And we finally got Internet. No cable or phones yet, but let's get serious, this is the important part, yes?

Unfortunately, the first 30 seconds that the roommates were all actually in the same place at the same time (they haven't been here much this week), one of the roomies' boyfriend flooded the bathroom. So suddenly we had water overflowing, and pouring down into the hallway and additionally down the bathroom walls into the floor, into our kitchen cabinets directly below. EW.

Now I went to buy dinner and I'm going to go make it, and again, I am the only one here. Sigh.

But I'm having a good time! I'll post pictures as soon as everything's a little more in order. Blitz me if you want to know my address to send me love! :-)


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