
Thursday, August 18, 2005

What do you want from me, woman? I posted to WRWF and that's about as much as you can expect. :-P

I went babysitting yesterday and was watching this little girl who looks a lot like I did at that age. White-blond hair, blue eyes, can get away with murder but doesn't know it yet. We were playing dogs, with me as the dog and her as the owner. She didn't want to feed or pet her dog, just build little fences around me. When she closed the pillow-fort/fence behind me she said, "I am going to cover your hiney." Then I asked for some food to spice up the game.

"No doggie, you can't eat that, you'll get cadobies."
"Yes, and you will eat too much and then you will have too many pretzels."

We think she meant cavities, but it could have been calories. The definition didn't help to clear it up much!

A few weeks ago we went through her whole bedtime ritual. I fed her her milky ba-ba while balancing four stuffed animals, a blanket, and her on my lap in the rocking chair. I laid her in the crib, whispered goodnight, and headed out. I was proud of myself for getting this far through the routine without being told I was doing it wrong, when she looked up through the bars of the crib and said, "NO! You have to say I'll be right back!!" (which is what her parents say when they leave her room). I laughed so hard!


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