
Friday, August 26, 2005

I just stepped on the biggest slug in the entire world. It was half the length of my foot and squelched and I SCREAMED and leapt in the air but not fast enough, as slug goo stuck to me through repeated washings with my foot in the sink. I am still shuddering and slightly nauseated thinking about it. I don't mind spiders; Charlotte was cool. I don't like things that sting, but I don't freak out either. THIS was the most disgusting buggy thing ever and I am so grossed out and I did a Carolyn bug shiver like it was my job. (If you've never seen this phenomenon, watch Boo when there's a bug nearby. She eyes it, tries to contain herself, and then bleeeeaaaurg: a whole body shiver like that of someone using a jackhammer. Mine started from my toes and I looked like Tucker after a romp in the rain.)

I am not ready to move because I hate to pack. I bring more than I need, and always manage to need more and forget much. It's too daunting to start so I procrastinate. (I do this for overnight trips, so a full move--only three months after moving OUT--is quite beyond me.)

I'm glad other people are on the blog train. Way to join the dark side...

Stepping on that thing was so gross and I just keep feeling it on my sole (and soul. This post needs to stop now before I do more damage.).



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