
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I DELETED one chapter, RIPPED apart another, and am now trying to put humpty-dumpty back together again. My advisor would like a finished draft, by tomorrow please, so it may be one more late night.

I keep talking about all the things I'm going to do when this is over. Go to the movies, rent movies, print photos in the lab, shoot photos, go to the greenhouse, Dartmouth 7, start running again, cook lots, have a bbq, see all the people I haven't seen this term, write the letters I've been meaning to all term, lie out on the Green, etc etc. But we all know that I'm really just going to SLEEP.

In other news, BRIGHT PASSED HER SWIM TEST! SHE'S GOING TO GRADUATE! Yippee, and I helped! (Self-call!!!) Hope y'all are having better weeks than I am!

Happy Birthday Andrea 5/14 and Jameson 5/19.



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