
Saturday, April 30, 2005

Thanks for the love, all.

As you know, I'm not terribly good at coping with change. I don't like the things I love to change...friendships, haircuts, the same exact meal at Munday's...You know. But the damn world keeps changing whether I like it or not, and it usually brings me far more happiness than I ever anticipated when I was busy being miserable about the fact that it was changing. So my butt's outa bed and able to deal a little better right now.

Shoutouts: Mark for dealing with the brunt of me being sad, Bright, Annie, and Missa for playing with me, Vy, Andrea, Lis, and the thesis group for keeping me (slightly) on track, Drew for blitzes, Jameson for blitz and flower pics, Mich for blitz, Liss for blitz, and Vac for call. And Care for call/blitz. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone, but if so it's hopefully not someone who reads this. ;-) Heehee. And if I haven't hit you back, I've been nuts but I will.

Looks like I'll probably be in CT near NY next year right now.

Mark just called to tell me that his mom's coming...in an hour. So I need to go get cute and hope to make a good impression. Mwah!


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