
Friday, April 08, 2005

I've decided to become a flexitarian. That means limiting my meat and eating lots of veggies.

I should pause here to say that I recently had one of the best cheeseburgers of my LIFE. I was in a hotel the night before an interview, and the place had a little restaurant attached. I was prepared to be unimpressed, and I was all alone which can easily make a meal out a bummer. I ordered the perfect burger. ::Drumroll:: Cheddar cheese, gorgonzola cheese on the side for extra kick, lettuce, tomato, sauteed onions, served medium-rare with ketchup and mayo. AND sweet potato fries. I ordered a glass of Black Opal Shiraz to go with it, and I sat there and read my James Patterson book at the table while chowing down and loving my wine at the same time. One of the best meals of my existence.

However, for a person with exceedingly high cholesterol, too much meat isn't a great idea. I love it way too much to go entirely without, but I've been alternating two meatless days with one carnivorous. I just read "Food Revolution," and now that I know what I know I feel like I can't just ignore it. Ignorance isn't a great excuse...high blood pressure, heart disease, even cancer seem to all be affected by a healthier diet. And chicken has about as much cholesterol as meat! Sigh. I'm too much of a hedonist to ever switch over 100%, but I'm discovering that I actually LOVE hummus. And peppers. And veggie wraps. Who am I really??


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