
Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I love that without fail, the most people read this on Sunday night when procrastinating becomes most important.

I just fell asleep in one of our food courts while trying to type. When I woke up, one of the guys who works here grinned and said, "Morning." As I blushed he told me that he thought about waking me up but figured that I wasn't hurting anyone unless I fell off the chair. Pretty sure I drooled too. Hott.

I feel so demoralized about my thesis right now. My advisor is only interested in hating on Rand and talking about why she sucks, when he responds to me at all. He doesn't seem to understand that I am taking a close look at its female themes, not trying to critique her so much as say why feminists (pro or con Rand) shouldn't ignore her. And he's not giving me any feedback on my actual writing--so far, really NONE. He is helping me find critical theorists I can use to talk about her, but I really want to look closely at the book itself, and I need feedback to do that! Even if he tells me that I suck, I need something to go from. Wah.

So clearly I write here instead of working. Demoralization is fun.

And poor Mark's harddrive crashed so he's off the grid. I am frantically backing everything up. And trying to stay awake. Yawn.


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