
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Yesterday was beautiful. Sunny, 45 degrees...I went for a quick re-centering drive with the windows down, looking for more covered bridges around here. It was an "I'm happy to be alive day" even if it was the day a final was due and I'd stayed up all night. This morning: blizzard. Again. It's freezing and we're about to get 4-6 inches. Not fair!

My last final paper is about one of my mom's friends, who's just about the coolest person I know. She worked in a war plant in WWII inspecting shells, she worked at the New York Times and got to interview Eleanor Roosevelt, and she's traveled to Russia, Greece, Egypt, England, Mexico, Spain...Egypt was her favorite. This summer, at 80, she's heading off to China to see the Great Wall. I want to be her!

Got 4 interviews thusfar. Nervous but excited.

Here we go, ten pages today. God forbid I start and stop wasting time. Mich, I want some of that get up early stuff!!!


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