
Monday, July 05, 2004

A thought on one of the things wrong with this presidential race: Both of the candidates have too much luck. No one could really argue that George W. would be president if his Daddy wasn’t. And the chances are good that Kerry wouldn’t be running if he and his family weren’t rich. Heard the Skull & Bones boys are very upset because two of their lads are running. It’s splitting the vote. I think part of the reason that Clinton appealed (and judging by book sales, continues to appeal) is that he got where he was because of his intelligence and how hard he worked. It wasn’t that daddy was a senator or president, he was just smart and motivated, and that’s what we tell people the American Dream is all about. It isn’t usually, but he at least gave the impression that that’s what he’d accomplished. And people loved him for it, or at least respected him. These guys are boring, and they mean less to the rest of us because we live in different worlds and always have.

Just a random thought. Check out Books for Soldiers. --> It’s a very neat site, quite worthwhile, and probably worth sending an email, letter, or package out for.


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