
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

So I have an interesting post for y’all tonight. I emailed 5 guys with the booksforsoldiers program: Will, James, Robert, Levi, and Marc. Levi and James have already written back. (I can provide you with addresses if you don’t want to pick one out yourself! I wrote a bunch of letters today that I’ll hopefully send out this week.) Being me, I asked a bunch of questions. From James’ second email, here are a few excerpts that I think everyone will find as fascinating as I did: (I edited a little, only for spelling and grammar!)

“War: I think that this war is going a little far, but nevertheless we are here to do the job we are best at, but I wish Bush would make up his mind and tell us what the hell he’s gonna do with us.”
“The thing that changed me forever was taking a life. We were up at 0330 and we had a mission at 0400 so we all started joking, then time comes up for us to leave. We go and get to the enemy's house and we dismount, run up to the wall that covers the yard. BANG gun shot, we were taking fire and I was in lead with the PL [platoon leader I believe] and 1 Sqd. Bravo team was right behind us about to take lead for us. But then a young man about 24-25 turned and pointed his AK-47 at the PL so I did what I was trained and that was take out the threat. Ever since then I see that man’s face at night when I sleep.”

James in particular was very excited to be talking to a college girl, and asked that I request mail for him from any cute female friends I have. Please feel free to write him an email or mail if you have time. Blitz me for the address.
I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 last night. (Also got this books site off of Michael Moore’s website.) Still thinking about it, to be honest, I’m not sure where I am with it. I think that every person who votes should have to see soldiers and civilians being wounded and dying. I’m also of the opinion right now that everyone who votes should have to sponsor a soldier. I think we as a country feel protective of that which is “ours.” Rand readers will recognize Wyatt here—it’s not special until I own it. There can be a thousand paperweights in the world, but this one has value to me because it’s MINE. And that’s what I think might happen with soldiers too. When you know that someone you’ve interacted with, talked to, sent a letter to, whatever, is in danger, it worries you on a personal level beyond just being dismayed at an ever increasing death count.
My musings on an interesting few days in my mental relationship with war. Another quick thought: I’m afraid there’s going to be a draft. Just today the Senate and Pentagon clashed when they argued about how stretched the forces are. This is so sad. And I wonder what a male/female draft would look like. Obviously it won’t be an issue until after the election, but I’ll tell you, I think it’s a legitimate worry! Arg, I’ll write more about this some other time, I need to go to bed!!!


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