
Thursday, July 22, 2004

“Hey miss, have a nice day. Now don’t tell your boyfriend I said that, now.”
I get a couple comments walking to work each day, but that one was pretty random. Many of the homeless guys or the people with clear mental illnesses make daily comments. (We’re not going to look at the types I attract too closely then, o te? ;-)) Yesterday a guy who I exchange hellos with every day tried to grab me, saying, “What’s your name??” I’m sure he’s harmless but he still startled the daylights out of me!

A few nights ago I stayed in the city a bit later and got sandwiches with Drew. (Drew—Holler! Everyone but Drew, I’ll be adding Drew into the sidebar. Welcome Drew. J) We went down to Battery Park and looked out at the water and the ferries and the Statue of Liberty and enjoyed the sunset. It was a nice evening, and then I collapsed on the train, got home, ate ice cream, and got in bed at 11. Talked until 12, whereupon I collapsed again. Even with 6 hours of sleep I sat at work falling asleep.

Not young anymore.

This weekend was lush with wrong directions, getting lost, traffic, long lines, cops, tickets, tears, and drama drama drama. Happily it was not my drama, but nevertheless, there was drama all over the damn place.

However, I conquered my fear of roller coasters. I stayed at a house with a gorgeous view. I drank wine with my feet in the surf. I may have converted Vac to a country fan. I didn’t get carsick, roller coaster sick, or drinking sick. I got to spend some time with good friends and meet friends of friends. We (mostly) maintained the no politics this weekend rule.

So it wasn’t alllllll bad. It’s actually pretty funny in hindsight. If you care enough, call me and I’ll tell you the story.
But I need to go to bed. I have been writing this post for a week now and haven't bothered to actually hit publish. So here goes and I'm goin to bed.


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