
Tuesday, July 13, 2004

"He is such a good man, and more likely to say, 'Put a sock in it' if he's really tried," she said. "I can understand when people are pushed to extremes, that in a private setting they might say something unusual."
A truly beautiful quote from Cheney’s wife. I don’t think it really needs commentary, to be honest.

So I forgot a raincoat today and obviously didn’t have an umbrella. (It’s not a fear of umbrellas, it’s a loathing.) I was wearing a cute shirt over a tanktop, so I took the top off so I’d have something warm and dry to put on when I got to the train station. It was pouring. I go walking quickly out, got catcalled, and whistled at, and hey babied all the way to the train station. It kept making me laugh—what did they think they were looking at? I looked like a drowned rat, my hair was up in a braid but my frizzes were curling, I was in loose black pants, clunky sandals…and showing my arms. Really, it was not the sort of skin that warranted the attention, although I understand that not too many people are running around without cover on a rainy day. You’d have sworn I was in a miniskirt and hooker heels by the noise.

And a very important law I want to see enacted: short people shall not be allowed to use umbrellas, unless they buy long handled umbrellas or hold them high enough so as to not decapitate me. Honestly. Come on. The things are a menace to society.

So what do we think of the Philippines pulling their troops out? On one hand, I support it and say that they should be proud to have done all they could to save their countryman. And if I were the one being held hostage I’d be begging my country to do as they said, I’m sure. But really, it only paves the way for more kidnappings and demands and beheadings. There can be no giving in to terrorists, or else they have a bargaining chip that will always win. Whoever’s willing to kill the innocent seems to win these days, and we can’t support that.

Good lord! Stop with the Northern Ireland clashes already! Are you serious?! What are you celebrating?? A victory in 1690! Get a life! Get a clue! Stop it! Religion is such a crazy thing. (Credit to Mere for an interesting discussion from the other side of the fence on this.) I think religion has the potential to inspire a lot of good in people. But it scares me that people allow themselves to stop questioning or thinking. How can you challenge yourself and draw your own conclusions if the jury’s already in? And how can it be worth fighting over something years, decades, and centuries old? How about thousands of years old? How does the human brain get to the point where it can hate because its mother and father hated? Question, question, and then decide. Reason for yourselves. And fight about something important, for the love of god. (PI)

So since I’m clearly grumpy about the news, I think I’ll keep going. How about the Defense of Marriage arguments? I’m really intrigued by the actual wording of the bill. I wonder how many Americans know that the wording does not just affect marriage, but would also preclude civil unions?

“Neither this Constitution, nor the Constitution of any State or Federal law, shall be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.” (Andrew Sullivan’s italics, from AndrewSullivan.com)

It’s disgusting, and true Republicans don’t even want it because it blasts States’ Rights. This has no business being in the Constitution, even if you’d like things that way.

“The Democrats want Saddam back….Come to think of it, it's no surprise they want Saddam Hussein back. He made the Democrats seem moderate by comparison.” Ann Coulter

On the topic of insanity. Come on, Ann. I get it, saying stuff like this gets you attention, and attention brings fans and book sales. But I don’t believe you believe that. I just can’t. No one could. Right? Right?? What good could this possibly do, besides to your career? How about trying to make bridges and create positive change?

Happy Birthday to Mommy. Sorry for the kinda grumpy post! Remind me to post about Friday night at some point. ;-)


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