
Friday, June 18, 2004

Thunder and lightning! I went down to the beach to watch the beginning, and then it started raining buckets.

As I drive up to the house I think I see my sister running out to get into a friend's car. My eyes are mostly closed from the rain as I pass her on the way to the house, and yell, "DON'T RUN, FOOL" at her. Obviously, it was her friend, not her. Oops.

And I was yelling at her because her surgery is tomorrow--poor!

Bright and Kelly left today--I miss you guys! We had a lovely time of boating, sleeping, swimming, reading, playing dorky English games, baking cookies, cooking food, and generally being laaazy and loving it. We went into the city too, and watched Swan Lake. Although I did fall asleep for a few minutes in Act III (during a boring party dance), the dancing was amazing. Apparently (according to Mich, who was along for much of the above) the lead was technically perfect. She was awesome. And all of the swan dances were just incredible. Unbelievable! You know they're people, but you'd swear at moments they really were swans. The white tutus and the arm movements just imparted this grace, and you could feel them move like waterbirds. It was amazing to watch. The story---ehhhhh, not so much, but I guess one does not go to the ballet for the story. And afterwards we went to Café Lalo, with 8 zillion desserts. Highly recommended, it was lovely. Although now I'm a fat pig. (Now is generous.)

Summer goals: Learn the city, do fun things in the city, work out and get lazy ass back in shape. Volunteer? Somewhere, hopefully...

Hopefully I'll stop forgetting about the poor blog, too. And you bastards update as well and help me procrastinate!!!

http://media.ebaumsworld.com/smartdog.wmv is the funny video of the day. You'd better shape up...

And because blogger was apparently down last night, this isn't getting posted until this morning...damn power outages...


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