
Sunday, June 20, 2004

Poor little Care.

She’s been so brave. I’d have been reaaaaaally whiny and sad about my summer being ruined, but she’s just been great. Philosophical and brave.

And she was sunny this morning, pleased with her ability to deal with the pain, using the machine, really pushing herself to get to a higher level (it flexes and moves her leg which obviously hurts a lot), generally doing really well. We’re all fussing over her, but she’s clearly fine, even after the time the nerve block the doctor did so she wouldn’t feel her leg wore off.

Three o'clock hit and it actually wore off.

Poor thing was just howling. And Rob, Mom and I are standing around helplessly listening to her cry and trying to be helpful, but when it just HURTS there’s nothing helpful to be done.

The Vicatin kicked in later, and then she was ok, although pretty funny when high. We watched Kill Bill later. Here’s a small section of the conversation, as she was too out of it to even focus correctly on the screen: “Who’s that? Who’s she? Why can’t she walk? Who’s she? Why are they doing that? Are more people coming? Why is she doing that? Is that blood? Is that snow?”

Poor. Although Rob and I did laugh at her, as it is any good boyfriend or older sister’s responsibility to do.

And I’ve worked out two whopping days in a row. AND I’m starting to be tan and blond again. Woot.

I’m tired and stupid, so I’m going to bed. I miss everyone who’s not here!


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