
Sunday, May 23, 2004

I may want to be a teacher again.

America Reads is so much fun. I love my kids. I pull six of them out, two at a time, to work with them separately on math or reading (ie counting to twelve and recognizing letters). They’re the kids who are the most at risk for falling significantly behind, but of course getting to go play games in the other room with me ends up being a badge of honor. Friday, my little Cam, who tells me every time I go that I’m “beauuuuutiful” and that he loves me, started crying because he never gets to go play with me. Poor! So my last week I’m going to spend more time with the whole class again, which will be more fun for me too. They’re so easily affectionate. Hugs, kisses, hand holding, blowing kisses, and sitting in laps just comes so naturally to them before they start worrying what other people will think, and deciding if things are socially appropriate. So much love for other people, each other, and themselves. I think being so naturally loving is something we should all think about working for—identifying when you’re not acting the way you want to because of silly societal hang-ups might be really interesting.

And I saw “To Be or To Have” with Brian and Jameson. A lovely movie set in a one-room schoolhouse in the South of France, it documents a year in a teacher’s life living in his school and teaching a classroom that ranged from kindergarten to middle school. I can’t even imagine the difficulty!!!

I just can’t figure out what to do with myself.

Now it’s raining and so cold…

Went to formal yesterday. It was awesome; the ladies all took boys from freshman year Smith, so we all knew each other and had a blast. It was so nice to have everyone know each other; conversation flowed easily, dancing was fun, and it was all very low-key. Missa and Brian, Bright and Brian, Lis and 07 Mike, and Mike and I had a lovely evening.

Although, with all my friends getting it on together, I feel like I’m on General Hospital or one of those!

Hahahahahahaha. Drama, drama.


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