
Friday, April 16, 2004

259. Whipped cream
260. Cats
261. Sarcasm
262. Necklaces
263. Rings
264. Sundresses
265. Getting dizzy
266. Best friends
267. Sunshine
268. Stairwells
269. Walls
270. Hot Showers
271. Sports on TV
Week in Review:
But first, as I was just walking home from dropping off my paper (at 4:30, it wasn't due til five, so obviously I left myself plenty of leeway so when the printer jammed at 4:10 it was not a heart stopping event), these three kids on bikes are trying to cross the road. Traffic stops, one of them scoots across, leaving the others. As I'm walking by, I hear one of them yell. Instinctively I whirl around, ready to tackle a bike if it's heading into the now moving traffic, but they've just stopped and are yelling at their friend for going ahead. I smile at the little girl, and she says, "Fudge! I said Fudge! I meant to say Fudge!"

Went to America Reads for the first time. The girl I'm working with is on vacation and won't be back for a week, but I read with second grader Brendan. I thought he was going to be a major handful based on how he was in the classroom, but as soon as we got into the library he was perfect. And a good reader, so I just had to help him out over the hard stuff and explain what was going on a little. He was such an imp, though, even when he was being totally good--he looked just like second-grade Brian.

Photography: I took a few really interesting looking pictures and a bunch of overexposed and underexposed shots. Little disappointing, but just fine for a first manual roll. And I think I figured out a lot better what I did *right*, so hopefully I'll be able to do that again!

Gave a class presentation Monday that was supposed to be 10-15 minutes, and due to the prof's tangents and the class discussion, ended up staying up there for an hour and a half. Either because I was too emotionally drained to be nervous or because I'm gaining inner poise (yeah brigit), I had no nerves up there.

Side note: When one is blitzed by a friend who one knows needs to find out what one is thinking, one should blitz her back. Even if it's just to say one needs some time to think or one is not up to talking right now.

Also wrote a bio abstract and two separate papers for my Feminism class. Now I have two more papers due next week. It's going to be another crazy week.

I was also a Greeter for the college, welcoming kids and their parents looking at the school. It was fun! I think the main point is to answer questions for nervous mothers and let the kids see a friendly, smiling face they can tie to the school. I think I'll do it again at some point.

Saw the Passion. Thought the special effects were stupid. The screaming devil? The foggy garden? The temple splitting in two like a bad horror movie? Well, I was underwhelmed by that part. I thought its best effect was showing how cruel people can be to one another, and how few brave, honest people who stand up for what they believe in there really are. How could anyone enjoy inflicting pain like that on someone else? That was the real significance to me, not as much the religious aspects.

Aaah. End of an era. Took me two and a half weeks, but I forgot to set my alarm right and woke up at 9:45 (and only b/c Missa left for class) when I had class at 10. So no hair drying and showering before class. Oh well. It was nice while it lasted. Last night pulled the first all nighter since the summer to get in one of the papers. However, it was not a pure allnighter and doesn't really count, since, although I did go to bed at five, I didn't get back up until 11.

Went to a lecture on the Sexual Abuse of Boys. The speaker was really good. Sadly, though, there were about 20 women and five men. And four of the women, one of the men, were all from the Feminism class I'm taking right now. Shouldn't more people have been interested? Shouldn't more MEN have been interested? Anyway, some of it was really interesting and good for people to know.

Had another Rand discussion group. Although only the most interested people showed up...everyone else said they'd come next week, so we'll see. At any rate, it was terrifically fun discussion and interaction. I love smart people!

At 4:39 I had an epiphany and realized that the pretentious word "posit" that I was using in my paper is connected to the "position" one takes on an issue. Yes, I'm a dork, but I'd never thought about it. Everyone else who was still awake was similarly impressed. If you're going to pull an allnighter, the way to go is really to also have your roomie have a big paper due the next day, so you can mess around, encourage each other, distract each other, and feed each other. And have other people working on stuff too, and constantly blitz-distract each other.

Bachlorette meetings were this week...yay to everyone who dressed up! Lingerie is fun.

And YAAAAY NEW MEMBERS!!!! Theta did super well this term. Out of 23 people we offered bids to, 22 came back to bid acceptance to express serious interest, and 14 have already signed their bid cards, with more on their way. And so many of the girls I really enjoyed signed! And now I'm going to be New Member Ed, I'll really get a chance to get to know the awesome women we're adding to the house. I'm very excited.

And now off to AGORA for a discussion on gay marriage...then to Fondue Party at the House (yum!), then mayhap a movie, mayhap TriKap dance party, mayhap work, mayhap bed. We shall see...


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