
Monday, March 01, 2004

Because I know how much question about this there was…I’m a huge dork! I sat down to take a peek at the html tutorial Bright sent me a few weeks ago (the one that I clicked on and laughed at for thinking it could teach me) because I couldn’t figure out some bloggy things…and suddenly things start clicking and I am manipulating things using html! I was flabbergasted. I thought for sure I was going to permanently hurt it and be sad. For a person of normal competency, this might not be that exciting, but it was big.

57. The sound of a Snapple can opening
58. The sound of peppermint patties breaking
59. Fresh mowed grass smell
60. Friends houses where you don’t have to knock
61. Good books
62. Good movies
63. Scooby-doo+ Tweety Bird+ Bugs Bunny+ Daisy+ Daffy+ Donald+ Mickey
64. Chipmunks
65. Rhododendrons
66. Chocolate chip cookie dough
67. Blockbuster
68. Candles
69. Airheads
70. Now + laters
71. Fundip
72. Tuna Melts
73. Pipe cleaners
74. Looking back on 80s fashion
75. Blackmail pictures
76. Waterfights
77. Washing cars with friends
78. Garbage bags filled with newspaper
79. S’mores
80. Dress up
81. Baby pictures
82. Pictures of the last summer
83. Skinny-dipping
84. Docks
85. Pools
86. Matching lingerie
87. Funny sunglasses
88. Yankees
89. Pizza
90. Kura Barn Sushi
91. Earrings

Mmm…cookie dough…I have eaten so much pie and so many cookies in the last two days I’m going to explode. Which also brings up the irritating point of running. I love to run. It makes me happy. Banging it out on the treadmill, having the music flowing, muscles loosening, sweating happily, ponytail bouncing all over the place…well, it’s not pretty, but it does make me a happy human being. And for right now, the cursed costo isn’t bugging me so my lungs are happy. I don’t even get out of breath-even when I sprint it out, after ten seconds jogging I’m fine. Of course, that necessary conclusion is that the rest of my body will fall apart, and my knee and foot injuries returned with a vengeance, and I’ve strained something every day I’ve run hard. Obviously conclusion…don’t run hard…but it’s like saying you can breathe…just not air.


Yeah, you’re a geek, Bright, but we all are. And if you weren’t, I’m sure I wouldn’t like you half as much. ;-)

Points if you can finish this song lyric…”I don’t want somebody to love me just give me…” ;-) Good stuff, Mich. (And Jags, without whom I never would have known.)

Work tomorrow….blarg.


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