
Sunday, February 29, 2004

Things to be happy about cont.
31. Bead necklaces
32. Candy necklaces
33. Crayons
34. Coloring books
35. An empty notebook
36. Acting like 4 year olds
37. The bag-o-stuff
38. Clothing + towels out of the dryer
39. Sticky little kid kisses
40. A pen lasting longer than it should when it’s running out of ink
41. Driving
42. Holding hands
43. Leap years
44. New Years Eve
45. Little bunnies
46. Petting zoos
47. The funnies in the paper
48. Mini-roses
49. A book you read so often you know every word.
50. The sound of a tennis ball hit soundly
51. A nice lawn
52. Mix tapes
53. Lip gloss (goo)
54. Azalea bushes
55. Roosters
56. Emus/ostriches

(The bus with Ash, being a camp counselor, eating candy off your neck, Liss and Ash coming by work with coloring books when I was upset, our pen almost running out that next day and it lasting while we road tripped all over for errands, today’s a leap year—that’s so strange!, mini-roses in my garden, watching my kids play with bunnies and ducklings and sheep, and today the guy on the side of the road who may’ve escaped from the petting zoo, my favorite beloved spring plant, azaleas, a zillion hours of tennis, being with my best friends on New Years Eve at Matt’s, Ash thinking Liss hit a baby bunny, the tons of mix tapes I made over the years, Mom sending the funnies up to school for me, the empty notebook feeling, holding hands with everyone I love…)

Today we took the most fabulous road trip!!! Mich and I loaded up her car and headed out to Montauk, because we realized we’d never been there. There is NOTHING like traveling with someone you’re in sync with. We agreed entirely on when we were hungry (that’s no small feat), when to stop, when to break and take random pictures, when to drive around randomly, when to care where we were going, and when we were just going to drive and see where we ended up. It was lovely.

When we headed out it was somewhat cloudy, but as the day went on the sun came out and it got really warm. (OK, Cornell and Dartmouth, we might be exaggerating what warm is, but it felt warm to us!) We saw all these things on the way that we stopped and too pictures of on the way back: random sheep statues at the side of the road and the giant windmills that popped up on little town greens and reminded us of Don Quixote. (Extra points if your mind went where ours naturally did—the obvious next leap is to steal the sheep and pretend to joust with the windmill, right? Duh? Oh, English majors.) Stopped at a roadside deli for lunch and I got introduced to honey turkey. My sandwiches will never be the same. Then we stopped and romped on the beach for a while. It felt cold looking out at the Atlantic, that’s for sure! We saw a man flying a kite (which seems a lonely hobby without company), lots of shells and sand and footprints of people and dogs and birds. And we swung on the park swings, which remains one of the greatest pleasures in life. We then stopped as far as we could go on the island, on the tip of Montauk Point, and looked at the lighthouse commissioned by George Washington. (Another moment of clarity—it cost $6 to park, so we pulled over to take pictures, and then drove around twice. Perfect agreement on that.) We also stopped at overlooks and admired the island. There are lots of beautiful hiking trails out there…the conversation on the way back went like this.

Mich: Do you want to go hiking?
Me: No, I want to find some ice cream.
Mich: Oh good, so do I!

Alas, said ice cream never materialized because everything’s closed for the season. However, if you know what’s good you are so jealous right now, because YOU know what else is out on the end of the island. In Riverhead? Oh yes…Briermere Farm!!!! The best pie in the entire world. We didn’t have directions, so we just headed that direction, and in a navigational miracle (keep in mind who we’re talking about), we bumped into the right road and got there 15 minutes before closing!

I just ate two pieces (and by pieces I mean at least a quarter of the pie) of raspberry peach pie…which is my new favorite ever. I also bought a peach pie, an apple blackberry pie, and a bunch of pecan chocolate chip cookies.


What a beautiful day!!!!


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