
Sunday, February 29, 2004

“Meditation is simply about being yourself and knowing about who that is. It is about coming to realize that you are on a path whether you like it or not, namely the path that is your life.” Jon Kabat-Zinn
No more of that “serenity is accepting things you can’t change” crap. Oh no. Remember the part in Bridget Jones when she embraces inner peace? I loved that part. Especially how she can only keep it up a few days and then fails miserably. But she justifies it well, of course. ;-) Please feel free to remind me that I’m serene when I’m not feeling it at the moment!

Looked back at the Quotes of the Days and Things to be Happy About today. We were so funny! You’re all so witty and quick and amazing and smart. I love reading them!

And things to be happy about. I started that list the day I found out my dad was sick. Liss and Ash had given me two beautiful gifts that day right after the news…first, they let me cry as much as I needed to, and second, they made me chocolate chip cookies. I think that’s the best method to deal with grieving I’ve come across yet. And as the attractiveness of sitting around moping wore off an hour later, while we were making dinner and coloring, I decided that I needed a list of the things that keep me sane. They’re not all mine—some of you will recognize your own in there, some of you know which song or movie or memory a few in a row were inspired by, or which friend picked what (looking back on 80s fashion, op, Kura Barn, mental telepathy, teddy bears—you get the idea). So I think I’ll start putting them up here—and right now I only have 440, so when you think of ones to add, IM or blitz them to me, because there are a lot more things than 440 that make us happy!
Here’s our first thirty.

Chris’ List of Things to Be Happy About!

1. Catching the first lightning bug of the season.
2. Being 16 and driving with the windows down and music up.
3. The feeling when you open the dishwasher expecting it to be clean and it’s empty so you don’t have to unload it.
4. Sandals: flip flops and berks.
5. Snowdays.
6. UPS trucks
7. VW Bugs
8. Harry Potter books + Quidditch
9. Mint chocolate chip milkshakes
10. Mental telepathy
11. Cookies warm out of the oven
12. Bottled water
13. Starry nights
14. Summer
15. Sitting out in a boat
16. Baby boys
17. Paychecks
18. Teddy bears
19. Oversized sweaters belonging to a good friend
20. Bearhugs to make you feel better
21. Eating the last bite of ice cream out of the container
22. Waking up and realizing there’s time to sleep before the alarm goes off
23. Fast typing
24. Table settings
25. Cartwheels
26. Burning marshmallows
27. Movies that you know all the lines to
28. Disney songs
29. Finding money in unexpected places
30. Bead necklaces

Which reminds me…of catching that first lightning bug…screaming STOP at Liss one year, and Ash and I getting out and racing around catching them on my street…and doing it to Matt the next year…also of talking dishwashers…living in Liss’s car…playing no punch-backs hardcore with everyone…the boat and the dock…Mere and me spitting our milkshakes all over Baskin Robbins in a fit of hilarity…when Vac’s marshmallow lit on fire in Cosi and we were all laughing too hard to blow it out and he smacked it futilely against his plate…a zillion nights talking online…Con Air and the Disney movies…the water bottles always littering Liss’s floor…Ash screaming with joy at the sight of the “ups” truck…stealing your sweaters in the cold—Ash and Liss and Matt and Rich and Vac and Mere…Hakuna Matata waterskiing…Friend Like Me in Swuppernight and the talent show…and so many other beautiful things.

:-D It worked!!!


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