
Friday, February 06, 2004

I feel so wonderful.
I’ve worked out almost every day for the last few weeks, and it’s starting to show. Definition in arm, ab, and leg muscles, I’m almost able to touch my toes, and my body feels terrific. Today I stretched and crunched for a long time, ran a mile and stretched some more. I love how aware I am of every muscle after pushing myself. I feel where everything connects, feel the muscles in my abs and back and shoulders and legs and butt and arms as individuals. Mmm. I’m also trying to drink more water and grape juice and eat less crap. Which means eating everything I want (let’s be honest), but trying to portion the ice cream and dark chocolate slightly smaller.
Mich is coming over to cook me chicken piccata and mushrooms. Mich is smart, random, witty, and is a lot of fun to have a conversation with, even if she does make fun of me for watching American Idol…as an artsy English major who loves reading, good conversations, dancing, being slightly sarcastic, and eating lots of ice cream…well, it’s obvious that she and I should have been best friends for a long time. (Apparently I talked in dance class when we were two, to Kristen…and pissed her off. Note who’s the excellent ballet dancer and who just likes to shake it?) So I’ll have great company no matter what, more than likely good food (at any rate, better than whatever I would have made myself), and am feeling pretty good about this Friday evening.
Also, sent in a Campus Cupid profile. As aware as I am of the impossibility of picking out one person who also picks me out of the 115 male profiles and god knows how many female profiles, reading them is so much fun. Everyone is so interesting! And funny…props to the males who specified that they want a girl “who orders steak AND dessert,” “a woman who does not order a salad when I take her out to dinner,” the guy who eats dessert before the meal, and anyone who put down The Lion King, Good Will Hunting, or Breakfast Club as his most watched movie. It was really very interesting, and although I’m pretty sure my soulmate didn’t apply this go-around, it’s way too much fun to at least pretend.
So I’ve got a job, I’m getting in shape, I’m keeping in great touch with a lot of my wonderful friends, reading a lot, have four days in a row off, have gotten to visit Dartmouth twice and stay with Missa…life is good.


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