
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Dad: Got the bill for next term’s tuition today.
Me: What’s the damage?
Dad: Oh, 10something. But you’re worth it, I guess.
Me: Wow. My brain is worth so much!
Dad: You could pour money down a rat hole, and it wouldn’t be worth anything.

“A good point, there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I’d still have to bum rides off people.” Random Ferris Bueller reference. It was a good point though.

My favorite quote today, from Bright, which sums me up entirely: “It’s the fact that I’m a coward, a lazy ass, and an ignoramus about life that’s the problem with my writing.” Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Which reminds me, I started a story. And actually hit TWO pages before I stopped this time. It’s a marvelous and terrible thing, knowing your own weaknesses. Almost none of the people who send queries who I write rejection letters back to know their weaknesses. Like, not being able to write a coherent sentence is a weakness, and having a plot that is identical to every book you’ve ever read is a weakness. Is it self-awareness? Ludlum and Danielle Steel are millionaires, and I would have laughed so hard at either of them. Lol. “Psh, you plan to make an empire out of writing the same book over and over? Good luck.”

I wrote rejection letters to my friends today. I was bored and it seemed a solid use of a few pages of office letterhead. Since I’m working for free, it seemed a good trade. I rejected Bright’s “Romancing Profesor Bertie,” purposeful misspelling and all, and followed that by rejecting Brian’s “The Other Shoe Inverse Happiness Quotient: A Statistical Analytic Approach to the Question of Why Relationships Seem to Fail” and “The Decline of Western Culture in the Post-Industrial Age and Other Things I Pretend to Know Something About.” I was amused. So were the fish. (Nemo is still upset at Mich for not watching his movie, but told me to rectify it ASAP.) I love those fish. One of the orange ones got eaten by his brethren today though. Sucks.

Ten to eleven…about time to go.

My conductor was back today, so no getting woken up. Yay. Just makes you wonder how many people notice you that you don’t have a clue about, doesn’t it? And I made friends with all the messengers who came to the office today…and got a few “God bless yous” for good measure without sneezing. (Maybe helped because it was Dirt Day—credit to Jags for that.) I do love New York. This morning walking from the subway I watched a taping of one of the Law&Order spinoffs-I forget which one, but I was pleased! Fire in the building next door, which is slightly scary…8 flights is a lot if the building’s burning! I’m back to running, and my breathing is good, but old injuries are twitching at me. The feet, the knees, the rib—so frustrating.

I miss Sex and the City already. I’m glad they are all settled and happy, but really, they were the single woman’s beacon of hope. “Maybe we can be each other’s soulmates.” So true.

Question of the day, credit Bright again: “What have you done artistically that you’re proud of?”

Night…dream sweet.


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